It’s always neat to look to see what other people’s offices and
look like. It gives one ideas and a new perspective into other
creative processes and where that happens. Or at least for me, it does. Or
maybe I’ve been watching too many shows on HGTV.
What does your creative space look like?
We all have different spaces and different forms of creativity.
My writing space isn’t always a coffee shop or a quiet corner in the library.
It’s my laptop on my lap in the car waiting for kids or sitting on bleachers
for a sports event. But when I am home I like to have a place that’s just mine.
It’s where I go that I know I won’t be disturbed, okay mostly not disturbed.
I can honestly say, I miss our last house. I had a small room
with a door that I could go in and focus on writing and it was my space. In our
new home, that space is the far corner of the ‘Lower Dungeon’ or downstairs
family room.
Who knows in the future there might be a ‘she shed’ in the
future for me. Until then, this is where I retreat to work on my stories.
My creative space has evolved several times to meet the needs of
the season of my creativity. Like a blank canvas or an unwritten page you can
see I’m still personalizing and updating my little corner I claim as my own.
When I’m not writing or chasing after my family, I enjoy paper crafts and
The bookcase and desk came from while the pendant
light came from as well as my ergonomic keyboard.
When you are creating a space for creativity it needs to work
for you. Nor does it have to be fancy or top of the line in the latest trends.
It should be a place of joy that you want to go to often.
To make a space that is yours, choose and put things in there
that help inspire your creativity while giving you the tools and functionality
you need to create.
I have wall hangings with words on my bookcase. I’m a lover of
words and those positive quotes help spur my creativity. I have books, that I
love to read and ones that I use for resources.
What kind of things inspire you?
I ‘ve been collecting old books to make a wall art above my desk
and eventually I’ll replace the kitchen chair with a desk chair… or not. I also
trade-off and sit on an exercise ball some days. And there are days when I like
to stand while I create.
This is my old space on the other side of the room, I had to
give it up for my kids doing homework and online education. When they aren’t
using it, my husband uses this space for working. One half of the family room
has become a ‘office’ space for our family in constant need of using a
While back to back in the same room, these two different spaces
in the house are used for similar purposes, only one belongs to me and the
other is for the rest of the house. Needless to say, when you create a space to
inspire your creativity it doesn’t need to look like either of the ones I’ve
shown you.
Your creative space should be set up in a way that works for
you. The things my space includes are things that inspire me, bring me joy, and
help me to express my creativity.
Not everything to build your creative space needs to be brand
new. That writing desk is a treasure I found at a yard sale years ago. It’s my
favorite. And the countertop was given to me as is the shelf with paper on top.
Creative and repurposing things can be fun and another way to make your
creative space unique to you.