You've got this special talent, skill. craft that you're ready to put out there and share in the market. So now what?
Would a blind man go out for a walk without his guide dog or a cane? Then you too, should not go into business without a plan and purpose.
It's simple to come up with an idea. A plan helps you decide on how to implement that idea into reality. Just like any good Carpenter would refer to a set of blue prints, your business plan is a guide to opening shop and setting up your shop's success.
"Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts." Proverbs 24: 3-4
There is a lot of software and sites out there developed to helping you create a business plan. The SBA has this good advice about what a business plan is: "The business plan should tell a compelling story about your business, explaining who, what, when, where, how and why."
48 Days To The Work You Love
author, Dan Miller offers this Business Planning Guide based on his book that is recommended by Dave Ramsey.
You may also find another great book by this same author, called No More Dreaded Mondays
Planning to sell your crafts online becomes more than just a plan. It's also a purpose. You can go visit any top selling website and find that company's mission statement. A mission statement, boiled down, is the purpose of your business.
For example:
"exercise my creativity and innovative ideas by developing songs, books and
products, which change lives and society for the better. I will use my talents and abilities
consistently. I will not hide them simply because they will not always be immediately
recognized." From This one comes from PadandQuill on Etsy:
"Our mission is to deliver the most beautiful hand made bookbindery cases for touch enabled devices at a fair price."
Here at Sell Craft our purpose is to provide individuals with the tools to promote and successfully sell their craft online.
As an author, my purpose is to use my writing talent to inspire others in their relationships with one another and through their relationship with their heavenly father.
See what I mean about purpose? So tell me...what's your purpose? I'd love for you to share in the comment section and look forward to reading your mission statement.
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