Monday, January 24, 2011

Where Did They All Come From?

You've got this great product you've created. You've set up shop. Then all of a sudden, you're flooded with all these people who have come to browse your wares.


Whenever you are creating a product, a brand, or just setting up shop, the first thing you need to consider is WHO are your customers and WHERE do they come from.

Sounds simple right?

Well, you make dolls and you're targeting 40 something males. I doubt you'll sell very many dolls. However, if you target young mothers, doll collectors, and little girls, you might find yourself in business.

You have keep in mind that every product is not going to appeal to every person.

Take your craft and ask yourself these questions:
What is that you're making?
Whose it for?
Who would most likely buy it?
Why would they want it?

Then take it one step further.

What makes your craft (product) different from the rest?
Essentially, here you're asking, "Why would someone buy this off me and not the shop next door?"

Feel free to post your answers in the comment section.
So... where did they all come from?  You tell me.

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